Minnesota : DHS

License Details

Basic license details.
Nu Horizons of Southern MN License status: Active
511 W HIGHWAY 60
Elysian, MN 56028
Map This Location (Map will open in a new tab)

(507) 267-4546
Le Sueur County

License number: 1069869
License holder: NU Horizons of Southern Minnesota
License Holder Entity Identification Number(s): 3862893
License status: Active
Type of service: Home and Community Based Services
Initial effective date: January 1, 2014
Last renewed or updated on: January 1, 2025
Next renewal due: December 31, 2025

Licensed to provide

Basic Support Services:
Respite care, in home or out-of-home

Intervention Support Services:
Crisis respite, in-home or out-of-home

Residential Supports and Services:
Foster Care services or supported living services
Community residential services
Family residential services

Restrictions: None

Satellite Locations

Satellite License Number: 1077660 (Home and Community Based Services - Community Residential Setting)
Nu Horizons of Southern MN
Morristown, MN 55052

Satellite License Number: 1108424 (Home and Community Based Services - Community Residential Setting)
NU Horizons of Southern Minnesota
Elysian, MN 56028

Satellite License Number: 1095959 (Home and Community Based Services - Community Residential Setting)
NU Horizons of Southern Minnesota
Waterville, MN 56096

Satellite License Number: 1087122 (Home and Community Based Services - Community Residential Setting)
NU Horizons of Southern MN
511 Hwy 60 W Suite 2
Elysian, MN 56028

Satellite License Number: 1085524 (Home and Community Based Services - Community Residential Setting)
NU Horizons of Southern Minnesota
406 1/2 NW PARK AVE
Elysian, MN 56028

Satellite License Number: 1069870 (Home and Community Based Services - Community Residential Setting)
NU Horizons of Southern Minnesota
101 N 1st St PO Box 247
Elysian, MN 56028

Satellite License Number: 1069873 (Home and Community Based Services - Community Residential Setting)
NU Horizons of Southern MN
200 5th ST NW
Elysian, MN 56028

Satellite License Number: 1122269 (Home and Community Based Services - Community Residential Setting)
NU Horizons of Southern Minnesota
Elysian, MN 56028

Satellite License Number: 1069872 (Home and Community Based Services - Community Residential Setting)
NU Horizons of Southern Minnesota
109 Park Ave NE
Elysian, MN 56028

Satellite License Number: 1080826 (Home and Community Based Services - Community Residential Setting)
NU Horizons of Southern MN
105 Sakatah Blvd
Waterville, MN 56096

Satellite License Number: 1069871 (Home and Community Based Services - Community Residential Setting)
NU Horizons of Southern MN
406 NW Park Ave
Elysian, MN 56028

Satellite License Number: 1095960 (Home and Community Based Services - Community Residential Setting)
NU Horizons of Southern Minnesota
219 PAQUIN ST W # 2
Waterville, MN 56096

Additional information
Note: For additional information relating to providers who are licensed by an authority other than the Minnesota Department of Human Services, please contact the licensing authority directly. A directory of county agencies is online.

Public documents available for this license.
Licensing Actions and Maltreatment Investigation Memorandums
Documents below appear for four years from the date of posting
Document type Date issued Format
Correction Order 11/28/2022 PDF

Human Services (DHS) licensing web page statement:

The information found on this web page is public information. Types of public information you will find on this website include:

  • Maltreatment investigation memorandum*
  • Licensing actions for license types other than family child foster care, including: conditional licenses, fines, revocations, indefinite suspensions, and temporary immediate suspensions (See the glossary of terms for an explanation of each type of licensing action.) Please note that licensing actions for family child foster care are public documents and available upon request from DHS.
  • Summary of reviews and investigations for family child care**
  • Decisions issued by DHS to appeals of violations cited on correction orders and conditional licenses
  • Final agency decisions for licensing actions
  • Correction Orders for license types other than family child care, child foster care, adult foster care, and family adult day service programs. Please note that correction orders are public documents and available upon request from DHS, the licensing county, or the licensing agency

*Maltreatment allegations involving a family child care or family child foster care program are conducted by the County in which the alleged incident occurred.

**Summary of reviews and investigations for all other provider types will be added in the future.

Determinations may be subject to appeal. Not all records related to the license are included on this web page. If you view information that you believe is not public, notify DHS Licensing Division immediately by calling (651) 431-6500.

Minnesota Department of Human Services website accessibility disclaimer: The Minnesota Department of Human Services has a policy of making the information on its websites accessible to people with disabilities. Pursuant to this commitment, DHS implements the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Minnesota Human Rights Act. If you experience any difficulty accessing the content, call (651) 431-6500 or send an electronic mail message to DHS.LicensingDivision@state.mn.us to receive the subject matter in an alternative format. Indicate the nature of your accessibility problem, your preferred format, the license number of the facility, type and date of the document and your contact information so DHS can reach you with any questions in fulfilling your request.